Harry houdini movie tony curtis
Harry houdini movie tony curtis

harry houdini movie tony curtis

Unsurprisingly, he was not yet taken seriously as an actor, partly because of his New York accent and had been mocked (slightly inaccurately) for his delivery of the line, “Yonder lies the castle of my fadda,” in an early role.

harry houdini movie tony curtis

Still, new to Hollywood, he later freely admitted he was more motivated by the pursuit of girls and money at this stage than anything else. Tony Curtis was not born Tony Curtis either but Bernard Schwartz, a name that hinted at his working-class Jewish New York origins. Despite concerns that the name sounded too similar to that of Gone With The Wind star Vivian Leigh, she had changed her name to Janet Leigh from her original Jeanette Morrison. Although only in her early 20s, Leigh had already been married briefly twice and was the better known of the two having been in Little Women (1949). Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh were not the only golden couple of the Fifties but they were perhaps the most attractive. She was the only child of Helen Lita (née Westergaard) and Frederick Robert Morrison. Jeanette Helen Morrison was born on Jin Merced, California. It was to prove a legendary role for Janet Leigh but she was already a household name and, in a sense, she was already playing the role of her life: as the wife of Tony Curtis. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) may seem tame by modern standards but it made cinematic history. It is one of the most famous scenes in film history – Marion Crane, played by the actress Janet Leigh, is attacked and murdered while taking a shower.

Harry houdini movie tony curtis